Versatility is the golden rule. While incredibly powerful against majin buu saga enemies.

Current Majin Buu Vs Android 17 Battles Comic Vine
Majin buu saga category tier list. Consists of characters from the majin buu saga. Majin buu arc category team tier list. This category increases drops on these events. Majin boo saga for the largest category in the game this team is actually lacking. Majin buu has returned to his original form and destroys earth without hesitation. The main problem is that the best candidates for the team have oiaf but phy sv doesnt.
Card reasoning s1 limitless radiance super vegito only true category leader for this team 50 damage mitigation on normal attacks fully built up can output an impressive amount of damage linkset hurts the team more than helps it as it lacks shocking speed and over in a flash 130 atk buff from leader skill is fairly outdated blocks an eza unit of the same name needs to be hit 10. This category has extra benefits on these events. A card with more categories or a broad and strong leader skill will usually be valued higher. Personally this is the toughest one to do this category suffers from ki links syndrome which is known to kill and not allowing characters to get their 12 ki supers off in the game dragon ball z. So here once again with the most requested visual tier list by far majin buu saga. A new buuhan majin buu arc leader.
Well first off apologies for the delay on this tier list but i became a bit busy and couldnt throw it out everyday. He also doesnt have shocking speed like the agl super vegito which hurts the running of gohan and lr gotentrunks. Limitless radiance super vegito as a guest will maximize the teams stats with the highest buff for majin buu saga. I wanted to do majin buu saga category next but the goddamn category has almost 200 cards so majin buu saga might actually be the last one to be published. 9 number of episodes. I just tossed them into the a tier since thats the minimum for teams that can still breeze through most events.
With goku and vegeta being the only surviving warriors left the two must find a way to stop buu or else the entire universe will be in danger. I think i would have majin buu saga in at least s tier maybe even ss tier since lr super vegito can be run on it yeah i forgot to mention that buu saga as well as movie bosses were the 2 categories i was the most unsure about. Since the core team is comprised of entirely super cards any leader with strong buffs for super class will suffice. Thanks to uhouangelesdodgestros for reminding me to add the links to other tier lists in my posts. 42 number of chapters. An eza tier list to rank all extreme z awakened cards in dragon ball z.