The best tanks in the game can soak up a decent amount of damage for the team with their high def. The full table of tier list with rating of each hero and jobs.

War Of The Visions Final Fantasy Brave Exvius Reroll Guide
Ff wotv tier list. Tier list tips how to reroll fast best unit to pull in rerolling reroll tier list in war of the visions. Engelbert is the strongest tank in wotv and his main use is in the arena guild war and end game contentwith a good build and some luck he can solo melee teams and is a real nightmare to face as an enemy. Newbie questions and question whether a certain unit is good or not should be asked in global helpif you have experience with the game you may freely discuss unit ratings in wiki unit ratings. Final fantasy brave exvius. The following tier list is far from the final word on any of these units and i created it only because i havent found a very good alternative yet. I stopped counting how often i wanted to throw my phone against the wall because a single engelbert wiped my whole team.
The original guild leader was kicked out due not login in for a certain amount of time and now i been made to the new guild leader. If you have. Ffbe reroll steps casual approach clear the tutorial do the initial 10x summon collect the pre reg rewards roll restart the game delete the account and repeat all steps until you get a decent starter account hardcore approach clear the tutorial have a good roll for the first x10 clear till you get 10 pull war of the visions ffbe reroll guide read more. I dont usually understand that because if the newest version of wotv is released. The gl best units tier list aims to provide a tier list based on role. Final fantasy brave exvius wotvffbe.
Best ur unit pvp pve farming. Final fantasy brave exvius wiki is a fandom gaming community. These lists provide a rough estimate of units utility when used by casual players. They can go in and trigger an enemy boss aggro so that the team can go in for the kill. Been kicking people out for not login in more than 100 days and have 8 spots for anyone who needs to join a guild who plays the app almost every day. Check out the full tier list of ffbe wotv.
Ur unit list and ur tier list for war of the visions. Ratings are maintained by ffbe subreddits discord. Final fantasy brave exvius. Either way the tier list is aimed to present units who can complete the most amount of content. You can find our discord invite in the links tab. Are you looking for a tier list of ffbe wotv.
Suede used to do this but he has moved onto chainers only apparently.