Consists of characters from the universe survival. Explore wikis lets go luna.

Tier List Universe Survival Saga Dragon Ball Z Dokkan
Universe survival saga tier list. The back lines agi is lowered but the front lines offensive and defensive attributes are enhanced. My facts dont care about your feelings or arguments. Chose from hundreds of custom templates or create your own. Consists of characters from the universe survival saga. Final super power super saiyan god ss goku kaioken great all round unit that gets stronger over time active skill can easily be achieved thanks to the plethora of universe 7 units in this category. History comments 100 share.
This category increases drops on these events. There are so many characters in the romancing saga re. Players should avoid longer and more difficult events due to the lack of def or atk stackers. So most of the new players are worried regarding romancing saga re. The f2p universe survival saga is not the best f2p team but theyre serviceable in certain scenarios. 2 mastering power beyond limits gohan teen 3 disambiguation.
Dragon ball wiki fandom. Universe survival has three very powerful leader choices to pick as your guest. 1 the tier list. Spirit bomb goku. This tier list helps you understand the characters of this game. This category has extra benefits on these events.
The final option would be awakened ur absolute power jiren super str. The side of justice is whichever side wins 72 points 5 months ago. Log in or sign up to leave a comment log in sign up. The strongest one is a second awakened ur final super power super saiyan god ss goku kaioken super str but a close second is another awakened ur assassins ultimate technique hit extreme teq that gives better buffs to universe 6 allies. Overall style tier list gacha reroll tier list best s rank styles best a rank styles. Overview and guide on party formations in romancing saga reuniverse.
Universe survival saga tier list. This team can take on most dokkan events with only a few bosses being an issue eg. Bergamo in a tier of his own. Corrected repost dokkan battle visual tier list universe survival saga update. So here we have made one tier list of romancing saga re. Archived corrected repost dokkan battle visual tier list universe survival saga update.
Use our tier list maker to generate your free tier list and share it with your friends.