Ror2 Character Tier List

Energy drink syringe monster tooth and 11 more b tier. This is general tier list based on my opinions and experience playing ror2.

Risk Of Rain 2 All Items Tier List

Risk Of Rain 2 All Items Tier List

Ror2 character tier list. Posted by 2 days ago. Good base hp low mobility easy to play great damage shield that negates the need for mobility in combat. Gives 15s for this. Risk of rain character tier list current as of version 128 foreword. Lens makers glasses pauls goat hoof medkit and 23 more a tier. Very high base hp good mobility good damage.

After playing all the characters for several hours my tier list for the characters are the following. Can be picked back up. Chose from hundreds of custom templates or create your own. You can use this build on any character although i recommend artificer or mul t sinc. So when people make it to this page through google or various other sources they often vote on their favorite survivor in risk of rain 2. Whos in general the best character.

Title says it all. Any combination of characters may be selected by the players and each player has access to all the characters they have unlocked. There are currently 9 playable classes available in risk of rain 2. Risk of rain 2 artifact of command will o wisp. Up to date game wikis tier lists and patch notes for the games you love. I decided to write this after having played a whole lot of single player and multiplayer up to and including silly challenges like unlocking everything solo in monsoon without the use of artifacts which would make unlocking some of them a lot easier especially with the command artifact.

Effigy of grief drop an effigy that cripples all characters inside. Create and share tier lists for the lols or the win. The commando class is always unlocked by default whereas the others must be unlocked by completing challenges. Use our tier list maker to generate your free tier list and share it with your friends. Posted by 23 days ago. More posts from the ror2 community.

Posted by 5 days ago. I created a ror2 tier list last year that i update every now and then and inside this post right at the top there is an optional survey for people to take. There are no limits to how many players may play the same character. The crowdfunder toggle to fire. Costs gold per bullet. Tier list of the best items for mercenary in risk.

Commando item tier list from woolie gaming as of skills 20 update september 2019 your competitive edge. Fires a continuous barrage that deals 100 damage per bullet. Ror2 mercenary item tier list. Risk of rain 2 character tier list loader s tier with the best map traversal in the game incredible damage output and an enjoyable kit loader can stomp through the monsoon difficulty with the. Come as close you like. Costs 1 per bullet.

All characters within are slowed by 50 and have their armor reduced by 20.

Gallery of Ror2 Character Tier List