At the start of the game the player is asked to select one of three starter dragons tyrra plessie or brachy. Dark lords evil eye.

Tier List Puzzleanddragons
Puzzle and dragons leader tier list. A new list will be posted every month leaders include up to gintama rem. These opinions are my own and take into consideration the cards value as a leader sub inherit and possibly any niche role they fulfill. Since this card will be your leader for at least your early game its leader skill is obviously very important. Healer type cards hp x15 atk x35. However shes a top tier sub for any team that can fit her. Attacker type cards hp x135 atk x3.
Puzzle and dragons has been decreasing the dependency of solely using 6 star gfe through the current top tier leaders being more forgiving and utilizing pantheon cards. I have been super busy since beginning of september and probably for the months to come as well. Dark attribute cards atk x25. September 29 2019 leader tier list puzzle dragons. For more in depth information browse the articles under the game info tab on the top navigation bar. Chakeol is an excellent leader allowing bypass of time debuffs as well as amazing active but lower quality subs for wood dont place her in ranking.
However there are many active skill that cannot be replicated any other way. These tier lists pretty much assume best and optimal subs often hard to acquire gfescollab cards tackling hard dungeons 3 player rushes alt arena arena 4 etc therefore their uses largely depend on your box your progression in pad and personal puzzling comboing skills. Puzzle dragons is a deep game with lots of content and it is not always obvious how a new player should progress. The differences in the leaders are so small it doesnt matter between 1 vs 5. You are looking for leader skills that will help you be able to tackle hard dungeons even when the rest of your team is complete shit. Devil type cards atk x25 rcv x2.
This is accomplished through spiking for ridiculous damage or finding some exploit you help you survive hard bosses. Puzzle and dragons pad tier list 2019 jp aggregate leader list. I only play single player and all judgement is based off the ability to clear end game content at least be able to clear 2 of the following dungeons consistently. Dawn of a dark age. Part of my desire to do this is from my starting journey in fire emblem heroes and constantly referencing their respective tier list. Shinji is an excellent rainbow leader and sub but 5 color requirement makes it less consistent than dyervideal.
God type cards hp x15 atk x15 rcv x15. Devil type cards hp x135 atk x35. Might have to aim for biweekly or even triweekly posts from now on. This guide provides good goals for the first few weeks of play. And it didnt help that gamewith once again decided to change their tier list format. Jp aggregate leader list 080319 final fantasy beach champion rem august 4 2019 leader tier list puzzle dragons 7 stone murako super godfest shinrabansho rem 072519.