35 offensive skill gem tier list and collection of builds. However the best support gem are based mostly on flexibility with use in any build and overall popularity among the strongest gem builds in poe 36.

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Poe gem tier list. This list of skill gems only contains the spells that can be used as a primary skill in a build and you will also be able to find a build link for every offensive skill that we mentioned. The data about meta skills was gathered from poeninja very useful website. We rank builds utilizing a tier list and show it primarily based on the major skill gem being made use of. Path of exile best support gems for 36 we rank support gems also using the tier list format and display it based on the main skill gem being used. They stopped coming up with new treshold jewels if they are going to scrape the idea might as well incorporate them into gem levels as was suggested in an other reddit post. The information in this article applies to path of exile on pc xbox and ps4.
130 requires level 31 supports any skill that hits enemies. All path of exile ascendancy classes are more than viable for casual players but for some of you that enjoy min maxing builds and killing end game bosses such as uber shaper and elder this poe class tier list will potentially be of great use. 2 spawns a level 24 monster when harvested provides 44 units of raw vivid lifeforce when harvested can be harvested after 6 growth cycles growth requirement consumes 7 wild units of condensed lifeforce per growth cycle requires 4 adjacent vivid seeds of continue reading vivid razorleg grain poe 311. Its a shame that only 9 skills would make it to the list of skill revamps. Active skill gems grant an active skill for the player to use and are further augmented by linked support skill gemsthere are currently 263 different active skill gems and 170 support skill gems in the game for a total of 433. Melee classes are now more viable than ever but certain spellcasters have still retained their high position among the classes in path of exile.
Active skill gems and support skill gems are usually referred to as skill gemsskill gems must be equipped in item sockets before their use. Added chaos damage support added chaos damage support chaos support icon. Pretty sure i cant import my custom made tables here which have images so youll have to visit the article on. This classes tier list guide for path of exile 311 will help you choose the best classes for harvest league. Path of exile most popular builds for 39 this guide will apply across all platforms ps4 xbox1 and steam computer. Vivid razorleg grain reveals a random gem crafting effect when harvested seed tier.
Supported skills deal 05 increased chaos damage supported skills have 17 170 to 26 255 added chaos damage this is a support gem. It would be good if the majority of the garbage tier could atleast get a numbers tuning pass. It does not grant a bonus to your character but to skills in sockets connected to it. In this path of exile skill gem tier list we will present to you the strongest and weakest spells skill gems that are present in the latest 37 patch of poe league legion expansion.