Jp aggregate leader list 080319 final fantasy beach champion rem august 4 2019 leader tier list puzzle dragons 7 stone murako super godfest shinrabansho rem 072519. The pad aggregate leader list this time around may be weird as a result.

Gbf Reddit Tier List 3no7povxexld
Pad leader tier list. After a lot of thought i decided to create two lists. As for the aggregate list itself dmeta falls to tier 4 and many water cards are seeing a rise in tiers as a result of our humble auto fua coco felkena. Check out gamewiths new format here. All tier lists will have a certain degree of bias whether it is accidental or by design and mine is no exception. Based off my recent poll people want a tier list so here we go. Puzzle and dragons pad tier list 2019 jp aggregate leader list.
Part of my desire to do this is from my starting journey in fire emblem heroes and constantly referencing their respective tier list. It also does its best to take into consideration the newly announcedreleased evolutions in jp. I endeavor to have as little influence on the results as possible. Feel free to refer to the faqdont take these ratings as fact. These opinions are my own and take into consideration the cards value as a leader sub inherit and possibly any niche role they fulfill. I encourage you to simply take them as a starting point for discussion to figure out which leads are actually the best for your.
The idea is to cater to two audiences. April 2020 na leader tier list. If we were to make a tier list put it on this site and say x card is ss tier everyone and their mother would suddenly try to obtain that card and use it constantly without working with other leaders or the rest of their box. Optimal and low rarity. I try my best to evaluate each card based on their value as a leader sub inherit or niche applications. Eventually causing the game to become boring since that one card is the end all be all of leaders making it so they only play with that leaders play style.
These tier lists pretty much assume best and optimal subs often hard to acquire gfescollab cards tackling hard dungeons 3 player rushes alt arena arena 4 etc therefore their uses largely depend on your box your progression in pad and personal puzzling comboing skills. Whales and everyone else. The aggregate list is an average of the tier lists from multiple jp gaming sitesit is compiled automatically by a script.