In mass effect 3s multiplayer mode the player can create and customize characters by choosing their class race weapon loadout and equipment. Created feb 16 2012.

The 7 Best Mass Effect Andromeda Weapons For Expert Gamers
Mass effect andromeda multiplayer class tier list. The common human characters are available upon starting the multiplayer the first time. I find the recoil difficult on most classes so tier 2 for me. Mass effect trilogy quests lore and general discussion. Mass effect andromeda multiplayer. Mass effect 3 multiplayer. Meet the characters of mass effect andromeda names and favorite weapons and skill classes like biotic tech and combat abilities.
Contentsshow class and race when creating a multiplayer character players can choose from six classes and multiple races within each class. Skill sets are fixed character specific and consist of 3 active and 2 passive skills using a mix of the standard 36 skills available from single player gameplay as well as new multiplayer only skills. This pistol is the second best shotgun in the game behind the pirahna. If its not the poor netcode teleporting fiends annoying ascendants. A complete list of the best characters in mass effect andromeda multiplayer game mode and the main story line as well. Find information and other players for the multiplayer of biowares mass effect games.
Weapon viability tier list mass effect andromeda. Biowares multiplayer for mass effect. Andromeda best classes. Andromedas multiplayer mode uses the class system of previous mass effect games. Andromeda has been the subject of controversy since release believe it or not. If youre on a class with a throwablelaunchable turret or a combat drone.
Sentinel is the first hybrid class on the list. It combines a tech and biotics focus allowing for a mid close range powerhouse class. Andromeda on the playstation 4 a gamefaqs message board topic titled multiplayer tier list.