This tier list displays all champions in any role that they are frequently played in and compares them against each other. If you are interested in competitive play or coordinated 5 v 5 team play where team work and coordinated strikes play a larger roler check out our match predictor tool that provides win rate predictions based on complete 5 v 5 matchups taking into account synergy and counter effects across all champions on both teams.

Leftspectrs 4 0 Competitive Tier List Vainglorygame
Lol tier list competitive. Use the filters below to customize the view or check out the lane specific tier lists to see how champions stack up in a particular role. Check out our patch notes breakdown here. Now that you know the best champions for lol get the best champions for teamfight tactics with our new tft tier. The order has been defined by thousands of games played in every rank so you can select which tier list for jungle you want to view in bronze through to diamond and above. The heroes are split in five tiers. Tier list methodology how the proguides league of legends tier list is decided in the league of legends community tier lists exist to show the competitive viability of each champion and their strength in the current meta.
Jump to high elo tier list. For everybody else we have prepared much more. Please keep in mind that this is a solo queue tier list. Updated every day with the current meta made available to you. We rate champions as optimal s tier great a tier or good b tier based on their ability to perform in the current meta. Stay up to date every lol patch with our league of legend tier list guide the best champion picksbans everything you need to rank up in solo queue ranked flex queue for season rewardsplus lots of bonus league tier list guides you can use like for each lane and role.
The jungle tier list for lol here is a list of the jungle specific champions ordered by their current skill ranking in the the meta of league of legends. If you have any questions about our choices or process ask us on discord. Tier lists are largely opinion based and can vary based on how much you weigh results vs theoretical viability. We provide metrics statistics builds skill orders and runes for the champions in lol organized by their rank in the tier list. League of legends patch 103 competitive tier list lol 2720 1249 am dot esports. The most straight forward league of legends lol tier list for solo queue in league of legends 5v5.
Every patch our experts curate a predictive tier list for climbing solo queue based recent buffs nerfs and trends. The tiers are viewed as clusters of data and each hero is placed in the one they are closer the most. All the heroes are arranged in five tiers based on their draft rate in competitive games. The dota 2 competitive hero tier list for july 2020 includes data from patches 727 to 727c for a total of 402 games. Here are the official league 1016 patch notes for reference. Jump to general tier list.
Lol tier list 1016.