While tier 9 and tier 95 depends on your team composition. Following the original purpose of tier lists the ranking of adventurers in dragalia lost is done by counting their favorable matchups.

Granblue Fantasy My Ssr Tier List Explanation
Light character tier list gbf. Please see this page for further notes. Light teams staple character both a powerful debuffer and buffer. High compatibility characters velle dairyu kirin artimeia. Everyone in dragalia has a niche based on their kit and resistances in that sense only the specific content or matchup. Sometimes it is actually better to slot 3 tier 9 character than 3 tier 95 character if the former can fill the all the missing role. I love emillia memes aside to explain why summer diantha is so great of a character i have to list her pros and consprosshes an idolshe boosts ca dmgshe provides hypeand can dodge stuff while under itshe provides one turn of guaranteed triple attacksand if you throw in luchador your entire squad is hitting the enemy 24 timesher ougi which is a unique buff which can give.
As more and more people unlock his full potential it will quickly become apparent how good he is. At the end of the day a tier list is just a tool to help you find useful characters. Abilities and evaluation a great character with speed fire power and high stamina. Light preferred weapon. Tier list remarks and bullet points on gbfwiki are not necessarily from gamewith and are usually from wiki contributors. No gacha commonly referred to as f2p represents primal grids without any grandmoon weapons and are fully farmable.
Heir of light tier list we wont bother listing the nat 1 star creatures as in the vast majority of cases these are just fodder for enhancing your stronger characters. At the end of the day a tier list is just a tool to help you find useful characters. Dragalia lost may not be a 1v1 fighting game but for its pve content some characters have a higher success rate than others. Please see this page for further notes. There are many light characters with high stamina and with lucius passive skill they can survive even longer in. Yoda is the strongest early game character in gbf.
Feel free to correct my terminology though. Tier list remarks and bullet points on gbfwiki are not necessarily from gamewith and are usually from wiki contributors. M1 and m2 grids leviathan tier and europa tier respectively are fully farmable omegamagna setupssome grandmoon weapons can provide improvements for these grids but those options will not be included in this guide. The eternals and arcarum evokers have their own rating system separate from other characters. This is purely an opinion based tier list created by the poster you can disagree with it but the tier list will not change unless he changes it. The eternals and arcarum evokers have their own rating system separate from other characters.
The tier list will assume sp kid goku yel is zenkai 7 because unlike other fighters that have received zenkai boosts hes free to play. Creatures come in different elements as they evolve and awaken so you may see the same name repeatedly or on different ranking tables. Tier 10 character or flb eternals are a must use unit in almost every scenario except summer zoeey if you play end game dark stamina team.