It is based a lot on personal preference. You have to develop the top tier best heroes so that you can progress at a good rate.

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Knighthood hero tier list. The higher the league and the higher you are within that league the better the regular rewards. Deciding which are the best heroes in knighthood is not the easiest task since they are pretty much similar rarities aside but also some of them are better in specific situations some are better suited in pvp matches while others are better in the regular game. Each league is split into multiple peer groups of 100 knights. Knights chronicle tier list compares heroes by their role in the game and ranks them from the best to the worst. These operators can be easily recruited or obtained for free without having to rely on the gacha and are good early investments. We have already shared with you a knighthood tier list but we were telling you there that some heroes are better suited in specific situationstherefore we decided to also share with you this list of the best heroes for pvp versus arena in knighthood.
Since every tier list needs a baseline with which to compare this tier list compares units at their full development their highest promotion stage and maximum operator and skill level legend. Read on for knighthood tier list featuring the best heroes to team up with the knight you would not want to waste the xp scrolls and tomes in upgrading the low tier or useless knighthood heroes. Getting promoted earns you a one off bonus for higher leagues this includes exclusive customizations and the brand new legendary hero wei feng. I am currently gathering data for the wiki to get all the data for lvl 45 heroes from people on the discord. Best heroes in the game. This tier list assumes that the heroes are at their maximum potential so whenever available with their costume version and with all skills enhanced at the absolute maximum.
Check out the full tier list for knighthood and aim your best one in the game. Attack defense hybrid and support and we are going to analyze the best heroes in each category and why they are strong. Check this guardian tales tier list for heroes tier ratings guardian tales is a brand new rpg with gameplay that offers action and puzzle mechanics to the player. Knights chronicle tier list. Here is my most recent tier list that i made. The heroes in knights chronicles are separated in 4 categories.
This is really to just be a guide not a end all be all best solution. Keep in mind that some heroes perform better when combined with the heroes of the same element or with heroes with a similar skillset. There are so many heroes in the knighthood. In the game the two main things are heroes and weaponsequipment. I have a lot of mage charms so they are typically ranked a little higher. This knighthood tier helps you to understand the heros power.