One gem is typically worth one vip point except in the case of using monthly cards or other special offers. Using my online idle heroes pvp simulator combined with a genetic algorithm here is the newest iteration of the autogenerated pvp tier list.

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Idle heroes vip tier list. High tier heroes idle heroes tier list s and a. F it is the weak and worst character in idle heroes tier list. Following is the idle arena evolution legends tier list highlighting the ss tier heroes. So without any further ado lets check out the tier list. The idle heroes tier list is there to help you find the best characters you can get in this game. First if you are completely new to the game check out this beginners idle arena evolution legends guide.
If you are looking for a ranking of all the heroes above 4 this page should hopefully help you out. The image below has been replaced with a corrected version. The more vip points you have the higher your vip level. Made a big mistake in my formula that generates the description for the setup in the top 10. It can not be obtained by merging it only in the following way. Idle arena evolution legends tier list.
In fact its not in the top of our tier list in idle heroes but its still very good. If you can fill in any missing spaces please do. This is the god tier of idle heroes and in our pick for the month of august 2020 we have included carrie sherlock and garuda as worthy occupants of this level. The five star version of the warrior has a power of 8686 a life of 30084 an attack of 3008. Vip is a status given to players who have purchased enough gems or other in game transactions which come with various benefits. We have shared the completely updated idle heroes tier list of june 2020 so just go and download the pdf.
This tier list is updated at least once every month regarding to the new balance changes or. What is the vip status in idle heroes. Idle heroes vip status gives player a lot of benefits while playing throughout the game. These heroes are very powerful and you cannot handle them easily. Except the monthly cards 1 gem is roughly equal 1 vip point. When you have enough vip points you will get into a higher vip level.
For updated information check guides from active idle heroes content creators. Both pvp player versus player heroes and pve player versus environment heroes are mentioned on this page. Top list best idle heroes tiers pvp for august 2020 ss tier. However there are some exceptions. This idle heroes tier list contains all of the most important information regarding to the best heroes in the game for you helping you build the best possible teams that beats the meta game. There is great necessity to get the idle heroes guide for your information because the idle heroes events are coming soon.
Idle arena evolution legends gift codes. An armor of 664 and a speed of 609. Latest tier list can likely be found on mkxjumps channel. And for good reason. Every time you purchase gems or any package in the game you will receive a certain amount of vip points. Players with vip by default show their vip level as a particular badge when talking in chat.
So include these heroes to you when you are an expert and have all the required information about the game as well as all the heroes.