Mythic dungeons at level 120 for both single target and aoe situations. Best healer tier list rankings for wow classic phase 1 molten core and onyxia publicado 27092019 a las 1649 por rokman like our last article on classic dps weve dived into the parses recorded on warcraft logs in order to see how the different healer classes in classic wow are doing and how they rank against one another.

World Of Warcraft Classic Best Healing Class And Talent Spec
Healer tier list wow. There are 36 different specializations in world of warcraft. There are also healer rankings and tank rankings on our site just in case you. Welcome to our world of warcraft healer rankings updated for the current battle for azeroth bfa patch 83 visions of nzoth as well as the latest raid nyalotha. Last updated on jul 28 2020 at 1840 by impakt 1 comment. Your healer will have to do most of the setting up for crowd control. With regards to pvp in world of warcraft this mostly deals with the team compositions.
In short this refers to the current ranking of strategies according to their strength. While dps and tanks have wide and varied tiers healers are much closer together. That can be pretty overwhelming for someone new to the wow scene. Wow 83 pvp arena tier list wow pvp guide by mystic july 11 2020 here you will find a strong representation of the current metagame from an eu point of view. In the following lists i will assign classes to the tier list they belong to. Best healer tier list rankings for wow classic phase 1 molten core and onyxia posted 20190927 at 449 pm by rokman like our last article on classic dps weve dived into the parses recorded on warcraft logs in order to see how the different healer classes in classic wow are doing and how they rank against one another.
Wow dps rankings tier list bfa 83. The order which you will see is not meant to infer that the classes are incapable of doing high level mythic but more to highlight where the current meta is heading help returning healers in making a decision on what to play if theyre on the fence and to discuss why these classes do so well. Fear not for i am here to help you. Pvp arena tier list battle for azeroth. Method and official blizzard world of warcraft forums to keep in touch with public opinion so we can tell if our data is. Home world of warcraft pvp pvp arena tier list.
Healer rankings tier list for wow classic. Before we get to the tier list below its always important to add disclaimers. This is decided by information gathered from articles youtube reviews and many more. Wow healer rankings tier list bfa 83. There are some amazing raid healers in my guild and the only ones who actually heals high keys on her raid character is the resto druid and most of the people in my guild who heal high keys are just dps or healers on their resto druid alts. Most of the healers who are serious about m and also raid mythic just push m on their druid alts.
Healers are considered a support class and the tiers can get complicated when you try to factor in things like raid utility buffs and healing output all combined.