In fire emblem three houses you will quickly have the opportunity to recruit or at least try to recruit other students in your class as well as monastery staff to assist you in the fightin addition since space in your team is generally limited to about 10 characters 12 maximum plus 3 assistants not everyone can be present on the battlefield meaningit will be better to favour. There will be some minor spoilers in here.

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Fire emblem three houses character tier list reddit. Three houses on the nintendo switch a gamefaqs message board topic titled character tier list houses only. The following is a list of characters that appear in fire emblem. Fire emblem three houses tier list disclaimer. Table of contents best class for each character fe3h. Three housesjeritza is an npc in the launch edition of the game. I am a fire emblem veteran but feel free to critisize things you dislike or agree with.
Huburt is super useful even at a low level. He has an easier time doing this with range boosting items like the thrysus. As of update 110 and above jeritza is a free dlc character for the crimson flower route. And with the added pressure of any fe game to keep your characters alive there begs the question just who are the best characters in fire. Is useless good def. Blue lions all the below characters will automatically join in chapter 1 if you choose to teach the blue lions.
Fire emblem three houses tier list explanation in comments link to tier. There are 8 playable characters in fire emblem. Mire can inflict 6 def on an enemy from 3 range. With 33 playable characters in fire emblem. Fire emblem three houses best class for each character fe3h tier list in this page we will guide you the best job class for each character in fire emblem three houses. This is my first post in this reddit although ive been playing the game for over a.
The most difficult mode available reflects the characters overall potential. Three houses that are in the black eagle house. Furthermore we prepared the major tier list rankings about character and job classes. Few things on the start overkilling a stat like def. The tier list is mostly based on new game. He can deal decent chip damage in the early game debuff and immobilize enemies.
Three houses it can feel overwhelming to try and navigate who to spend the most time with and who to bring into battleafter all though the scope of the game is immense its impossible to train everyone.