Cord has 20 avoid and 8 defense. Shadow dragon is too.

The Definitive Tier List Dragonballz Amino
Fire emblem shadow dragon character tier list. Content is available under gnu free documentation license 13 unless otherwise noted. Shadow dragon art cell last post by at feb 26 2009. The following is a list of characters from fire emblem. Over 20 fire emblem tier list templates available. Hardain has move but characters should stick together on h5. Shadow dragon this page was last edited on 29 may 2020 at 1956.
In fire emblem awakening chrom and his personal army play a special role as a tactician and work with the hero prince. Fire emblem awakenings first original title takes place in the universe such as mystery of fire emblem shadow of valentia fire emblem awakening holds a story of lord characters. Find the most recent tier list for fire emblem games and characters. 43 hp32 atk12 as26 avd11 crit23 def. Fire emblem shadow dragon fans last post by at aug 12 2010 shadow dragon vs sacred stones. Characters of fire emblem.
Shadow dragon on the ds a gamefaqs message board topic titled tier list. Content is available under gnu free documentation license 13 unless otherwise noted. Shadow dragon and the blade of light. Castor 209 general a marth. H5 tier list topic. The following is a list of characters from fire emblem.
We love its relative simplicity compared to the newer titles its just you your band of princes and mercenaries and the enemy. Tier lists are awesome and fire emblem. Shadow dragon and the blade of light this page was last edited on 14 july 2020 at 0840. Last post by at jan 13 2010 fire emblem shadow dragon pros and cons last post by at mar 8 2009 pre order at gamestop for free fire emblem. Characters of fire emblem. Chapter 22 to wrap things up.
You may have noticed that a good portion of our content on this site is fire emblem based and shadow dragon is by far our favourite in the series. H5 tier list topic sign in to follow this.