Take a look at the list this will help you to understand the efficiency of the characters because. The tier placement is primarily based on a servants current performance and their placement will often shift with future interludes and rank ups new competition and the changing state of the game.

Fgo Recommended Servants For Palingenesis By Role Fate
Fgo palingenesis tier list. Behold the killer of men the widowmaker of fgo. Welcome to our extra class tier list for fgo fategrand order. Fgo palingenesis tier list fgo palingenesis tier list. Euryale is a very iconic servant and holds a special status amongst the community for her highly specialized skill set. What makes her stand out is her ability to completely subjugate non lancer male bosses thanks to a combination of high bonus damage against male enemies on her single target noble phantasm np spam potential and charm locking. This list has been compiled and approved by major fanatics of the game.
Keep in mind this is just an opinion and you must still make your own informed decision on whether you want to invest in the character or not. Fgo palingenesis tier list fgo palingenesis tier list. Palingenesis can increase the max level of your servant up to lv100. On this page youll find which servants we recommend for palingenesis in fgo fategrand order categorizing them by role. Tier lists are good for a general sense of how a servant will stack up against the others. We have advice on farming high level quests and servants who operate differently with grail ascension so use this as your guide when it comes to utilizing your holy grails in fgo.
The maximum level for all servants is 100 regardless of rarity. Please refer to this guide if you want to check out our performance assessments and evaluations of extra class sarvants in fgo. This page shows fate grand order tier list. Overwatch tier list all heroes ranked for march 2019. Palingenesis can be performed on any of your servants by consuming a holy grail which increase their maximum level. Palingenesis traits alignments attributes command code command card upgrade extra info costume dress illustrator list voice actor list animation updates.
Latest update february 24 2020 monday 2100 jst i only update this entry every once in a while so there might be times when the chart becomes outdated. The tier list is therefore just a comparison tool to judge these servants by their relative performance. The game can be downloaded from the respective app stores of the users. Palingenesis 聖杯転臨 seihai tenrin more commonly known as grail ascension is the feature that lets any servant ascend beyond their intended maximum level with the cost of the rarest material in the game holy grailit was added to the game on the fgo summer festival 2016 1st anniversary. The increase will vary depending on their current max.