30 01 2019 added bellona violet. 5 tier list explanation all 5 servants are excellent.

Best Hero Tier List Epic Seven Game8
Epic seven 5 star tier list. Welcome to the tier list for the wonderful game epic seven. Have you seen or pulled a moonlight unit and wondered if they were worth investing into. Celestial mercedes wanderer silk guider aither. Specter tenebria auxilary lots fighter maya. Check out the tier list explanation for a summary on each tier list placement. Judge kise dark corvus arbiter vildred shooting star achates assassin coli challenger dominiel.
Since his experience doesnt cover all of the characters were still submitting edits to the list to have the most accurate one. Read on to find out about our recommended artifacts for sage baal sezan. Epic 7 reroll guide. 4 tier list 5 banshee hunt pve tier list 6 epic seven reroll guide 7 summon simulator 8 guides 9 wyvern hunt pve tier list 10 pet guide see all. Ive played e7 since kr release and this is my personal ml summon tier list. This page contains the rating and stats for the character sage baal sezan in the game epic seven with detailed information on sage baal sezans strengths and skills.
The tier list is therefore just a comparison tool to judge these servants by their relative performance. 13 03 2019 enhanced epic seven tier list removed the table. How to reroll in epic seven for the best heroes at the start of the game. If so youre in t. Keep in mind this is just an opinion and you must still make your own informed decision on whether you want to invest in the character or not. Xd tier list timestamp.
Their performance often vastly outpaces those of lower rarities and each of them is worth investing in. World how well the character perform in regular adventure mode for normal and world. This tier list was designed by uimmotoko and uklysbbih as an answer to the lack of an updated one it may not be accurate on a 100 basis since the rating is written by an experienced epic7 player unitex69. This is the epic 7 hero tier list for global server. Greetings heirs are you new to the game. Below is a list we graded them on their ability to do perform in various categories of the game.
The current characters are graded based on their performance on the following areas. 20 02 2019 added luna tamarinne in the tier list. 28 11 2019 updated 5 star characters tier list. Added kayron fixed destina artifact recommendation. World adventure mode and farming. Your goal is to get a good 5 adventurer from your singles since you can only get one 5 from your free multi after stage 1 10.
12 06 2019 epic seven tier list updated. Blood sword karin watcher schuri general purrgis. This also includes account reset info and the selective summon list.