Its not meant to be a definitive tier list or build guide and i encourage all players new and old to experiment and try out different things. A hardcore albion online player by the name fustv has spent time testing all weapons in a variety of pvp environments.

Albion Online Leveling Guide
Albion online weapon tier list. Albion online 2v2 hellgate weapon tier list. By kantoskhan and munerva 2 of the deadliest 2v2ers in the game. This website uses cookies to provide the best possible user experience. Below were his rankings with green being a tier yellow being b tier and. Complaint albion online forum. There are 18 distinct weapon families within albion online each belonging to one of three basic archetypes as seen in the destiny board.
S this weapon is on the tier of its own. Is it great by itself. Proven to be good or just good in theory. 2 315. Weapons are the most vital pieces of equipment in albion online and the primary factor in a player characters style of combat. Albion online is a registered trademark in germany andor other countries.
There really is no weapon tier list as all weapons have different uses and are good in their own right. Albion online 5v5 melee dps tier list. My hope is that new players should first ask themselves what do i want to do in albion online and can then use this to help pick a few weapons to try out. Albion online is worth looking at because it aims to deconstruct the overwrought cut and paste template that too many mmos build from if youve been looking for a new game to challenge you and bring back that nostalgic sandbox feel then you really need look no further than albion online. 4 117. They are effectively the closest thing to character classes in albion.
Alext96 may 8 2020. Extremely powerful weapons often present on the best teams highly proficient against many other compositions. Top 10 popular gear small 5x5 pvp last 7 days equipment. Follow albion online 2012 2019 sandbox interactive gmbh. 1 361. 3 148.
Does it fit in a lot of competitive comps. 5 97. It fits in every comp and it does everything well. A this weapon is. Wassup people im here today to bring this up so everyone can see whats happening in 2v2 hellgates and to expose a rmt scheme that is going on.