In the general professions guide you will learn more about leveling professions in wow classic profession ranks and types of professions with links to the individual guides. Ive decided to make a tier list for classic wow.

Classic Wow Tier List Easiest Class To Level Patch 1 12 Elysium Nostalrius
Vanilla wow tier list pve. Welcome to our classic wow tier list for leveling from 1 60. Terryn is a long time wow player having played the game since christmas 2004 and has raided in every expansion in some fashion. Posted by 2 years ago. We have two sections one were we rank them in a pvp setting and the other within a pve setting as this affects what we think is the best choice is depending on what content you plan to play in classic wow. First i think its a good way to engage in discussion about vanilla classes and an opportunity for. Not all classes are created equal and in classic each class is usually better at something than others to fulfill specific duties and roles within the community.
Since trying to stay alive versus other players isnt as important of a focus here we can value doing damage specifically aoearea of effect a bit more. Rogues can go toe to toe with warriors in sustained single target but the longer fight durations that would be needed to make that happen are just not that common in wow classic. All 3 paladin specs all 3 warrior specs monk and warlock as well as regular pvp during tbc and wrath on paladin and warlock. Professions tier list our goldmaking guide comes with a tier list of professions and we rank them based on profitability. Im doing this for two reasons. Classic wow pve tier list 112 discussion.
The data shown here is backed by actual numbers from many reliable sources such as simulationcraft and warcraft logs. Wow classic best dps class spec for pve tier list is about how much damage to can do in dungeons raids questing. Weve previously highlighted the best classes for specific types of classic wow content but if you want to know which classes are versatile exceling at multiple types of content this article is for you. Welcome to the classic wow tier list for all classes covering the best tanks healers and dps across a variety of pve pvp and leveling content. World of warcraft welcome to our world of warcraft classic best healer tier list ranking the most effective healing classspec in the meta for doing dungeons and raids. Rogues lack access to the god tier cooldowns that warriors have access to and do not have any sort strong aoe options outside of blade flurry.
Rokman is a world of warcraft veteran having played in vanilla the burning crusade and wrath of the lich king. But not all specializations are created equal. Welcome to the classic wow tier list for all classes covering the best tanks healers and dps for pve dungeons and raiding. By using the approach of combining numerous simulations and real logs of top 1 99th percentile of the very best players of each class and spec we can measure the central tendency of this data while taking statistical dispersion into the account to provide you with the most. Wow classic best dps class spec for pve. It is important to state that every class has a role in classic a role in pve and a role in pvp.
Classic wow pve tier list 112 discussion.