Reinhardt first appears at ishtars side. Cuboon description formidable and admired mage knight in frieges army.

Reinhardt Wt Fire Emblem Heroes Wiki Gamepress
Reinhardt fire emblem heroes tier list. Game content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of their respective publisher and its licensors. Fire emblem heroes tier list ranked from best to worst as of 2019 april 3 2020 news putting together a definitive fire emblem heroes tier list is no easy feat given the sheer amount of characters available in this game. You can summon him by choosing the blue. Ever ready to lend an ear to his younger sister olwen. Kempf despises him out of envy and views him as a rival. These heroes are not definitively weak but are less consistent in most team compositions.
This page was last edited on 2 august 2020 at 2054. Appears in fire emblem. 4 fire emblem heroes iv calculator 5 feh summon simulator 6 ivs and their importance 7 feh manga 8 guides 9 galeforce team building for aether raids 10 swift stance 2. He is also the older brother of olwen who initially admires him. 1 aether raids tier list 2 heroes 3 feh content update. Content is available under cc by nc sa 30 unless otherwise noted.
Reinhardt is an enemy character from fire emblem. For fire emblem heroes on the android a gamefaqs message board topic titled gamepedia wip tier list places odin higher than reinhardt. These heroes suffer from more prominent weaknesses demand greater investment and may be comparatively inferior to units in higher tiers. 08052020 pirates pri. Tier 5 units have passable match ups against most units but tend to struggle to compete against a selection of heroes. Said to be the second coming of the crusader thrud he is the leader of the gelben ritter in the friege army and has been ishtars personal guardian since childhood.
Reinhardt is from the world of fire emblem.