Shadow legends game features hundreds of championscharacters its kinda stressful to figure out the best champions. Shadow legends is a role playing game developed by plarium global ltd.

Raid Shadow Legends The Tier List Trap Mistake That Early To Mid Game Players Make
Raid shadow legends tier list ayumi. There are more than 200 unique champions in the game to collect and upgrade. The objective of the game is to beat levels of enemies or other players with your very own team of champions. Shadow legends tier list will help you in figuring out the best champions in the game. This is a general tier list for the champions in raid. How to win a fight in the fire knights castle. Ayumilove is a gamer whos given a lot of time into the raid.
It is a turn based game and has various modes such as arena campaign dungeon clan boss and many more. If handed a new account this is the order he would choose the respective rarities. In this guide we will show you the rare and epic character tier list available in raid. Best champions by ayumilove updated for patch 20. In the following table youll find all epic and legendary champions ranked in tiers from s to d s being the best d being the worst. Shadow legends tier list was created and is maintained by one of the games best youtubers chosen.
S top a extremely useful b very useful c useful. Please feel free to comment below if you have a different opinion on anything in this list. Ayumi do you intent to make an overall tier list im a little lost is a terrible legendary always better than an excellent epic. Champion rarity overall campaign clan boss dragons lair spiders den. You can select up to four characters to battle with the enemy. Players will need to assemble a team of champions to battle against the enemy.
Best champions by ayumilove. There are 12 campaign stages 4 dungeon keeps to farm potions for ascension void force magic affinity and 4 dungeon bosses fire knights castle spiders den ice golems peak dragon. Shadow legends tier list. He has tried to rank them in the order of impact and overall usefulness to having them in your account. Shadow legends is a turn based fantasy themed role playing gacha game which can be played on mobile pc and mac. Bring in a counterattack champion to reduce the amount of hits needed on the boss to remove its shield.
This fight is tricky and requires multi hitters in your team composition. Shadow legends is a turn based rpg mobile game developed and published by plarium. Shadow legends champion ranking is categorized under 5 rarities legendary epic rare uncommon and common and sub categorized based on ranking. Bring in champions that can decrease the turn meter of the boss. It gives an indication of the ranking of each champion for their overall usefulness in the game based on various sources. This tier list is an overall tier list that takes all game modes into account.