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Pubg Gun Tier List February 2020
Pubg 2020 gun tier list. Hey gamers if you playing pubg mobile full form of pubg player unknown battle ground game and you are looking for all pubg mobile weapons damage list so in this article i will provide you all the information of pubg mobile in weapon field here i am showing all the gun information in list wise so read the chart and list clearly. Pubg new redeem code new redeem code in pubg mobile how to get free helmet skin in pubg how to get free helmet skin in pubg mobile today new working redeem code new redem codenew redeem codeyt. Heres the current tier list of weapons for pubg. Each weapon has different characteristics designed for a combat distance. Using these weapons in pubg and pubg mobile should help you to dominate. Ranking every weapon in pubg mobile from worst to best tier list every weapon in playerunknowns battl.
Mk47 damage 49. Newredeemcodepubg ytritik pubgnewworkingredeemcode newredemcode pubg pubgmobile getfreehelmetskin newtricktogethelmetskininpubg topic covered. There are weapons of various types for different types of situations that can be used on the ground. Pubg gun tier list february. Akm damage 49. Here are the 15 best guns in pubg at the end of 2019 going into 2020.
Top 3 best machine guns in playerunknowns battlegrounds are indicated by the and ranked by the machine gun weapon stats. The m249 is the exception due to its long range capabilities making it one of the few god tier weapons in pubg. Game content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of their respective publisher and its licensors. Published 25 jul 2020 1715 ist. Pubg mobile tips tricks pro pubg mobile guns ranked 2020 updated. You can pick up sniper rifles assault rifles submachine guns pistols melee weapons and various types of grenades.
All machine guns in pubg light machine and submachine weapons often do well in close range to mid range combat. Weapons are a very important part of playerunknowns battlegrounds pubg. List of guns with damage stats in pubg mobile. Ump9 sub machine gun perhaps the best secondary weapon in pubg mobile the ump9 is a solid all around weaponwhile it shouldnt be used as your primary weapon its a fantastic option. Pubg pubg guide mobile lite.