Roughly a week or two before orass release i was attempting to scramble an early tier list. It serves well as part of a backbone for a team because it isnt too passive.

Pokemon Games Tier List Ranking Feh Fluff Gamepress Community
Oras mega tier list. The knowledge i remember from routes guessing on some tm availability particularly gym tms i actually was only a gym off from my predictions. So what i created was a beta tier list with. Pokémon vgc mega tier list hey guys i decided to make a tier list of the megas to help trainers particularly new trainers choose their mega. Excadrill having mold breaker can use stealth rocks and can do more than ferro and people use sash exca it can just kill mons like xer don aegi diancie ho oh and yeah i dont think ferro or excadrill should switch places. Probably the best fighter overall for your needs for both pve and pvp. And at email ferro isnt really all that good to get higher rank than excadrill tbh it dies from any mon in the tier and taunt is a bitch plus mega sableye says hello.
The following fighters are in this tier as they all have some form of damage immunity alongside very powerful cores or broken skills. Mega venusaur is a perfect fit because it can dish out the damage too and some of its major weaknesses are negated. As a general rule you want to hop straight in there mega evolve then immediately start smiting like the smiting est powerhouse who ever smote. After seeing a few other tier listsviability rankings around the sub popularized i believe by uflamegerbil i decided to try my hand at one of my ownfg did a great one for ruby sapphire but things are a little different for oras thanks to expanded pokemon availability expanded movesets and the physicalspecial split. Offers self healing when above 2 pg bar which is useful for arenaleague matches. Each mega will have a very brief description of why its where it is and will hopefully give you some ideas for whether you want to run it or not.
This list is designed for global.