Guaranteed to win 95 of all matches against any other class. Class rank1 part1 blade and soul pvp duration.

Black Desert Mobile Guide Best Classes Tier List Black
Blade and soul class tier list pvp. 1assassin 2blade dancer 3kungfu master 4destroyer 5warlock 6blade master 7soul fighter 8summoner 9force master 10gunner i dont know about open pvp but thats for arenai dont why people say gunner or force masters are strong or even to op xdd what a joke. As we know blade soul has a good pvp system as an arena. Blade soul has been released for more than a month. Kungfu master w sh kim blade and soul pvp. Ranged dps classes are capable of dealing damage anywhere from melee range out to 16m from the boss. Tank class in blade and soul isnt taking damage but blocking and avoid damage dancing around the boss and positioning it so your teammates dont get hit by the boss.
Just play a summoner or warlock and faceroll. Blade and soul is a mmorpg that has recently been released to north america and eu. Keep in mind that generally every class can beat every class depending on how well you play and how many mistakes your enemy makes. Enter your date of birth. For newer players heres a list of all the classes to be considered to be the best class. In terms of me there is no best pvp class but most suitable class for pvp.
1547 worst guides blade and soul euna tier list. If this games pvp has 10 the balance of street fighter ivv then it wouldnt be as shitty as it is right now. There are still new players coming to start play this game. The mmo is popular in korea and before coming into the western servers it received tons of hype due to exceptionally good reviews in korea. Blade soul class guide for new players 11 classes what to play blade souls strongest point is probably its 11 classes each one offering a unique action combat playstyle based on combos timing positioning. By the time i get to the point where i know what im doing ill answer this question myself.
The most broken matchup in the game right now is wl vs. Tier 1 0 1 unfavourable matchups. Train as one of 12 classes each with their own strengths defenses abilities and devastating combos. Tier 3 3 unfavourable matchups. Fm kfm bd sum. So cricketing tired of being paired up with these classes.
Each class in blade and soul has 2 possible elemental builds as follows. This guide is to analysis on advantages and disadvantages. Then new players may want to know which class is the best pvp class in blade and soul. Begin a heroic journey to confront dark forces and seek vengeance as a master of the martial arts in blade soul the free to play mmorpg. Tier 2 2 unfavourable matchups. I dont think i would pvp much theres 3 years of experience i dont have and well bdo taught me to spend 400 hours pveing before thinking of engaging in any pvp activity on a class.
This games pvp has zero balance so why should there be a tier list.